Monday, February 16, 2009

Bottled Water in Guest Rooms

For anyone who's been following, I've struggled to find an appropriate solution to the bottled water problem at Roche Harbor. The water tastes uniquely of Roche Harbor and we need to offer guests who pay $400/night for a room something more attune to the common palette. I don't like the bottled water approach for obvious reasons: it is entirely unsustainable, environmentally and economically. And, at its most basic reasoning, it's downright silly to drink water consistently out of a throwaway container--it demonstrates lack of planning on the drinkers part and I have little sympathy.

So: we have come up with an idea that will work to meet my sustainability goals, as well as the guests' needs: provide a 5-gallon cooler in a good-feeling way in each hallway in the building, and place simple 1-qt. pitcher in each guest room to use as a vessel to hold the water and keep cold in a personal refrigerator. (The idea was a collaboration...thanks, Janine!)

I'm stoked about this resolution and pleased that it seems so logical. Let's hope it plays well with the guests!

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