Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Grass-Fed in Argentina

Been a while, I know--weather, holidays, sickness and...travel!

I am down in Argentina--and struggling a bit with the keyboard--reading about some sustainable practices I see down here in the beatiful city of Buenos Aires.

Not a lot of recycling in the wastestream. Good use of CFLs. Lots of public transportation for 10,000,000 people. I will learn more about what´s going on here in the coming weeks.

What is really good to know, though, is that the Argentines approach their agriculture in a sustainable way...and one that produces some of the best produce and proteins in the world.

I´m reading The Omnivore´s Dilemma, learning all about the military-industrial agricultural economy in the US. I have never been a vegetarian, nor an organic guy, because, as my wife says, I am avenida contra mana--meaning that I go against the grain for the sake of it. But there is some really interesting stuff going on that is important and needs to change.

Here is the thing that I wanted to write, today, because I don´t yet really have an opinion or action on how this all effects us in the islands...but I do want to say this: There is something NOT RIGHT about the way agriculture and eating is approached in our country. For me, that is the thing with sustainability. The alternative is acting inefficiently, illogically and downright stupidly. There is a better way to do this (whatever the practice is) and we should search out the best answers.

Does anyone have any good information to share on the Best Practice farming on the island???