Monday, February 16, 2009


I just keep going back and forth on the PLA thing!  I'm still liking the focus on reducing, and not using the bottles at all is, of course, the best thing.  And PLA is certainly not the answer because of the corn and CO2 issues.  But until the answer is given/created/produced, might there be some Good in using PLA?

Bioplastics do have some redeeming qualities, one of which I hadn't thought of until I did some research on bottled water for work: the more we focus on compostable "plastics" the more demand will grow for composting, the more compost facilities will be put at the center of discussion for solid waste.  I can think of no more important conversation to have when discussing MSW reduction/treatment, and if PLA helps move that agenda forward then all the better.

Now I've got to find some way to work through my disdain for the American corn system and how it's integrated into the American economic culture!

One thing at a time, though...

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