Sunday, November 30, 2008

Seeking Information

For the first post on the blog, I'd like to start off by thanking a few individuals who have helped provide focused direction on the small-scale work I've done so far at Roche Harbor: The fine men at San Juan Sanitation's recycling program, for a mechanism to accomplish recycling at our resort; Kris Slugg and Troy Casey, for inspiration and action; Brent Snow, for practical advice; Robin Jacobson, for state-wide work on sustainable tourism; Stephanie Buffum Field, for showing me that it could be done anywhere, anytime; Liz Illg, for a background on where we've been and where we are now; and Gerard at Island Paper & Supply, for his dedication to providing a full line of green products to island businesses.  Many more people have helped direct me along my way, and my thanks to them, as well.  

These folks and others are doing wonderful works around the islands.  I hope that in the coming months we can find more islanders who are interested in pushing the dialogue further along.

If you work at a business in the islands or play a role in the community, we'd love to hear about your personal sustainability efforts: recycling, composting, best business practices, energy efficiency programs, local supplier/vendor work, etc.  

If you run a program, we'd love to hear about how businesses and community members/groups can get onboard.

Can't wait to hear what's going on out there!